Tektronix 2710 Service Manual Pdf
Guess so i will be first to fix our Problem.-) Mine shows strange characters on the left side of screen ('F'). The NVRAM seems not to work correct. Can not be intialized and the Address and Data line tests fail. As i try to normalize the rig, most of the tests fail. The 'File System' of the NVRAM is defect and can not be repaired by the rigs software.
Tektronix 2710 service manual. I did see the manuals on ebay, available as PDF. Mine is still in the loft awaiting repair, I think I may have to replace the battery & reset it but it's a special so will have to wait. I think I may just ebay it. Colt sp1 carbine value. Please do not PM me questions that are better asked in the PCB forum:).
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Strange files (about 60) named 'SSSSSS' that can not be deleted. Only to tell you what mine does. I figured out that the NVRAM is a 32kx8 SRAM chip on the 'Display Storage' board. The Battery (probably 3.6V) on the Display storage Boad had only 2.5V. So i replaced it by a new one (while battery was disconnected, i did short circuit the cap to bring the voltage on the SRAM completely down), but that didn't fix the Problem. The rig stills shows the same problems as before, even without the battery So my guess is that the low VCC voltage to the SRAM, over time, kill it. Maybe the SRAM or the Bus drivers.
Maybe the SRAM has only a slight fault due to the low voltage. As is disconnected the CEnot pin from the system an tied it to VCC, the display did only show dots, but no characters at all. Strange, maybe the SRAM is used as display storage, too. But that way, at least part of the RAM has to work correct.
Strange thing. I will do a bit of testing with my Scope as i get time. If you know something new what the problems root cause is, tell me. About the Service guide. I bought a scanned Copy as PDF for 19 Bugs Best i could get. I will send you a private mail.
Hi all, My 2710 has the exact same problem (strange characters on screen, asterisks, F 'SSSS' files, and memtest failures). When it first happened, I was surprised that the tek seemed to have crashed, so I powered down, powered up, and it was fine (yes I use Windows a lot too). A bit later the Tek went haywire again, forever. I replaced both the battery AND the SDRAM, but that did not solve it:( Soon, I will swap over my display board to a friend's (known working board) to see if the problem is in the displayboard or not. I contacted Tektronix, and they say not to know this issue. They offered to do a best effort repair on a component base (no boards left @ Tek), but I declined since it will cost a lot (shipping it from the Netherlands back and forth to Tek alone.) Anyway, I am one unhappy 2710 owner.
If I do find the root cause I will let you know what it was. I sure hope someone beats me to it:D Regards, David.
Hi, here is another 2710 which had this problem. I bought it from a colleague who described these symptoms before repair: - Power-on messages about NVRAM / file system errors - Spurious characters on the display - Useless files which could not be deleted After exchanging battery, RAM and bus drivers on the display storage board, he used a logic analyzer to track down the error to a faulty OE- signal from PLD U352 Pin 24 to bus driver U462 Pin 19. The CPU could still write to the NVRAM, but reading was not possible. The faulty OE- signal could be reconstructed from other existing signals by two SMD logic circuits (74HCT04 and 74HCT00). After his repair, almost all analyzer functions worked, but many amplitude normalizations always failed.
It cost me some more hours to find out that the CPU will read the acquired signal not only from the NVRAM, but also accesses the ADC data directly. The logic signal for this is called REDAT. So I extended the replacement circuit, and now the amplitude normalizations also work. It seems that REDAT- is not used during normal operation, but only for calibration. A simplified but logically equivalent circuit is attached as PDF. It uses a 74HCT08 and 74HCT00 for reconstruction.
Tektronix 2710 Service Manual Pdf
The ICs are stacked onto U566 (right besides the bus connector) and powered by vertically soldered wires on Pins 7 and 14. All other pins have been bent to go out straight horizontally and are connected using thin isolated copper wire (as used e.g.
For transformers). Pin 19 of the bus driver U462 is lifted from the PCB, the original DROE- signal is taken from the PCB-pad and the reconstructed signal is routed to the pin. I cannot be sure that all 2710 can be repaired this way, but since the symptoms described here are very coincident, there is a good chance to make them all work again. Good luck, Andreas. It is a PLS173 from Signetics / Philips / NXP. There are a total of 10 (ten) devices from this series on the display storage board, each dissipating 600 to 750mW, causing much heat. They are indeed programmed by burning NiCr fuses.
I also had this thought to back-up all possibly volatile data before it is lost. Maybe I should start copying the EPROMs to new CMOS devices, which can then be OTPs. Is anyone capable to read out such PLDs, or otherwise get the logic schematic from inside? Modern programmable logic needs much less power. Andreas, Thank you!
I have some experience with electronics and electronics failures in that you have something called 'critical designs'. On paper a design could look solid, where in practice it can fail most always in one certain way. Since multiple people have reported this very bug, I think the design of U352 is an example of such a critical design. This does not automatically imply a whole device or range of devices WILL fail. It does also not say that no other failures will surface, but in most cases there won't be other failures.
I will investigate U352, and try to get hold of a couple, or the design. Desoldering these devices is easy, if you don't need them in 1 piece: cut the pins from the top, using a sharp knife. With all the pins stil in place, remove the plastic body, the desolder all pins.
Ford Service Manual Pdf
Desoldering without special tools. Is easiest when using two soldering irons and a lot of tin. Good luck, David.
Failure Occurrences Avg. Turnaround Time (Days) Calibration Required 3 - 18 Defective Battery 1 $429.00 107 Defective Menu Functions 1 - 1 Defective Power Supply 3 $1,479.00 68 Defective Primary Frequency Control 1 $2,349.00 39 Defective Tracking Generator 1 $829.00 62 Display Failure 1 $2,895.25 247 Does Not Power On 3 $1,374.68 41 Multiple Problems 12 $1,440.88 33 Primary Deflection Horizontal Amplifier 1 $1,129.00 197 Occurrences Number of times we've repaired this model for the given failure. Price of Service The average total service bill for this model for the given failure. Keep in mind this is an average and is not indicative of your unit.
Calibration, Parts, etc. Can cause fluctuations in repair prices. Turnaround Time This is the average number of days it takes to repair the given failure.
Tektronix Repair Service
This is based on the number of days from the time the item is received to when we send you our evaluation plus the number of days from when we receive your approval to when we ship it out.