Manual Basico Para Wifislax

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Foro de Seguridad Informtica Hacking Wireless Wireless en Linux (Moderadores: ChimoC, KARR) Manual bsico para wifislax Pginas: 1 0 Usuarios y 3 Visitantes estn viendo este tema. Tema: Manual bsico para wifislax (Ledo 252630 veces) Manual bsico para wifislax en: 29 Mayo 2008, 03:57. Desconectado Mensajes. Yesterday while visiting, I saw a new distribution I wanted to try--wifislax 4.3. I downloaded and installed it today. I thought it was both in English and Spanish. Was I ever wrong! Then I went back and read that the support was in English and Spanish. I thank you for that! But please, make an. Descarga la ultima versi. Por favor: Comenta, punt. Manual Basico Para Wifi Slax Iso Download. Seguridad Wireless - Wifi. Wifi Claves es una herramienta gracias a la que podremos auditar la seguridad de redes WiFi para comprobar que la.

Manual wifislax. Driver gps supratech ulises. 1.

Introduction: Wifislax is S.O. Containing many tools for work at network level. Helps us to verify our security in web servers, FTP servers, WiFi, etc. This time we will focus on the tools of WiFi security and more specifically in Aircrack.

Aircrack-ng is a suite of software for wireless security. It consists of a network packet analyzer a cracker WEP and WPA / WPA2-PSK networks and other wireless toolkit audit. Besides the Aircrack-ng suite includes more tools later to explain that they are.

Manual Basico Para Wifislax 3

In this manual we will know if our WEP and WPA / WPA2-PSK keys are secure. Security WEP key. Find out in this document, but we know that WEP keys are not safe, we need to practice:  The ISO wifislax in usb, live CD or a virtual machine.  1 a wireless network card, USB or PCI Atheros or Realtek network chip.  An access point to attack Step 1:  After we started Wifislax appear this:.Without changing position press enter 2 times.  Now starts loading and then the desktop appears Wifislax: Step 2:  Now let's start bar and click on the blue K and we displayed this:.

 Now you put the cursor over Wifislax without pressing, another dropdown will appear, so we put up without pressing Wireless and the next that opens, click on minidwep- gtk. Step 3:  After clicked, the following window is opened:.  Where it is wlan0 network card, which is being staged in monitor mode.  Where we left off channel puts 'all' is to look at all the wireless channels.

 Where it says 'Encryption' open the dropdown and select WEP.  And below we mark all boxes that says 'aireplay-ng-x' that are attacks that will do.  And press the 'Scan' button to view the networks around us and we select ours.

Manual Basico Para Wifislax Pc


Manual Basico Para Wifislax 1

Step 4:  Now select your network appears in the list of found networks and give the button 'Launch'  If your security is weak and the attack been successful will appear this:  My recommendation is that you change your network key in WPA2 format and mix letters, numbers and special characters (.-?) And if you do not know how to change call your company and do it.