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Hydrography of the upper Sangro River basin: estimated erosion rates (according to Ciccacci, S., D'Alessandro, L., Fredi, P., & Lupia Palmieri, E. Contributo dell'analisi geomorfica quantitativa allo studio dei processi di denudazione nel bacino idrografico del Torrente Paglia (Toscana meridionale-Lazio settentrionale). Geografia Fisica Dinamica Quaternaria, Suppl, 1, 171– 188., Ciccacci, S., D'Alessandro, L., Fredi, P., & Lupia Palmieri, E.
Relations between morphometric characteristics and denudational processes in some drainage basins of Italy. Zeitshrift fur Geomorphologie N. F., 36(1), 53– 67. ) and drainage density (calculated on a 500 m radius moving window). Hydrography of the upper Sangro River basin: estimated erosion rates (according to Ciccacci, S., D'Alessandro, L., Fredi, P., & Lupia Palmieri, E. Contributo dell'analisi geomorfica quantitativa allo studio dei processi di denudazione nel bacino idrografico del Torrente Paglia (Toscana meridionale-Lazio settentrionale).
Geografia Fisica Dinamica Quaternaria, Suppl, 1, 171– 188., Ciccacci, S., D'Alessandro, L., Fredi, P., & Lupia Palmieri, E. Relations between morphometric characteristics and denudational processes in some drainage basins of Italy. Zeitshrift fur Geomorphologie N. F., 36(1), 53– 67. ) and drainage density (calculated on a 500 m radius moving window). Field work activities and lithologies characterizing the study area.
(a) Alfedena area, calcareous bedrock, moderate to high fracturation; (b) SE side of the Sangro plain, bedding on the calcareous bedrock (N55E/25SE); (c) SE side of the Sangro plain, high fracturation and cataclasite on the calcareous bedrock; (d) Castel di Sangro area, pelitic-arenaceous bedrock; (e) Castel di Sangro area, terraced fluvial deposits, made up of conglomerates with sand lenses; (f) Alfedena area, alluvial fan deposits. Field work activities and lithologies characterizing the study area. (a) Alfedena area, calcareous bedrock, moderate to high fracturation; (b) SE side of the Sangro plain, bedding on the calcareous bedrock (N55E/25SE); (c) SE side of the Sangro plain, high fracturation and cataclasite on the calcareous bedrock; (d) Castel di Sangro area, pelitic-arenaceous bedrock; (e) Castel di Sangro area, terraced fluvial deposits, made up of conglomerates with sand lenses; (f) Alfedena area, alluvial fan deposits. Soil erosion in the Montagna Spaccata lake area This analysis was based on a detailed geological and geomorphological survey (scale 1:5000) of the upper Rio Torto basin (right tributary of the Sangro River) and direct estimate of the gully and channel size and erosion features, compared with preliminary indirect estimate (see Section 4) in order to quantitatively assess soil erosion and to evaluate sediment filling of the Montagna Spaccata dam reservoir. At an early stage, the following orographic and hydrographic parameters of the basin were calculated: drainage network and basin map, longitudinal and transverse profile (of gullies and channels) and the orography, slope distribution, aspect, and land use of the valleys. Gully and erosion channel sizes were measured for the calculation of potential soil erosion.
The sum of the potential soil erosion for each sub-basin defined the soil erosion in the basin upstream of the lake. This field-based estimation was then compared with the results of the drainage morphometry-based calculation (see Section 4; according to Ciccacci, S., D'Alessandro, L., Fredi, P., & Lupia Palmieri, E. Relations between morphometric characteristics and denudational processes in some drainage basins of Italy. Zeitshrift fur Geomorphologie N.
F., 36(1), 53– 67. ) in order to obtain an assessment of soil erosion and an estimate of the lake's sediment filling. Lithology – landslide relationships on the SE side of the Castel di Sangro plain This analysis focused on the SE side of the Castel di Sangro plain, between the northern side of the Colle Alto (NW of Montenero Val Cocchiara, IS) and the Sangro River, and was based on a field survey of landslides.
The majority of landslides are found in the southern portion of the study area, along the northern side of the Colle Alto, where calcareous bedrock, mainly consisting of marly limestones (upper part of the slope), overthrusts the pelitic-arenaceous bedrock, consisting of a clay-silt facies (lower part of the slope), as outlined by a sharp slope break. On the upper part of the slope, mostly small translational slides occur on fracturated calcareous bedrock. On the lower part of the slope, large complex landslides occur from the boundary between the calcareous and pelitic-arenaceous bedrock down to the base of the slope.
These are ancient inactive landslides with a smooth scarp, whose accumulation is affected by fluvial erosion and by small landslides such as superficial earth flows and soil creep. All along the fluvial plain, consisting of recent and terraced gravel deposits, no landslides were observed, except for some small failures along the terrace scarps and the fluvial scarps. Recent channel adjustments in the sangro river This analysis was based on a multi-temporal investigation of aerial photos compared with field mapping in order to evaluate the recent evolution of the Sangro riverbed along the Castel di Sangro plain, in terms of channel type and width. The interpretation was made on 1955 aerial photos ( IGMI. 1:33,000 scale aerial photos of Flight GAI.
Retrieved May 5, 2014, from (authorization No. 6826 of ) ), 1985 aerial photos ( Abruzzo Region. 1:33,000 scale aerial photos of Flight Regione Abruzzo 1981–1987. L'Aquila: Struttura Speciale di Supporto Sistema Informativo Regione Abruzzo. ), and a 2013 orthophoto ( Abruzzo Region. 1:5,000 scale ortophoto, flight AGEA 2013.
L'Aquila: Struttura Speciale di Supporto Sistema Informativo Regione Abruzzo. Retrieved May 1, 2015, from ); the river channel and floodplain related to each image were digitized and compared (lower part of the map). The channel appears to have a mainly braided riverbed and some secondary sinuous and straight reaches. The braided reach is observed from 2 to 6 km downstream of Villa Scontrone.
The bank full river channel appears to be wider (up to 500 m) in the downstream reach than in the upstream one (∼200 m), showing poor vegetation cover. The images show the artificial canalization of the riverbed from 2 km downstream of Villa Scontrone to Castel di Sangro. The anthropogenic intervention has aligned the riverbed, strongly reducing the floodplain area (. Definition of morphostructural elements on the NW side of the Castel di Sangro plain Field work identified a NE–SW tectonic alignment characterized by the en-echelon structure of transcurrent faults. The strike of these faults is N20E, with their surface expression shown by several structural scarplets. Mutual relationships between superficial deposits and tectonic alignments were analyzed through a geomorphological cross section. The dip-slope Late-Middle Pleistocene breccia do not show any significant evidence of rotation or faulting; the strike is ≈N20E, while the dip is 20–25° SE.
Acknowledgements This work is the results of the contribution of all the students and tutors as part of the study programme. The students and the tutors are grateful to M. Paron for the precious revisions and suggestions that greatly improved this paper and the map. Special thanks also go to the Scontrone Municipality, that greatly supported the Field Camp and to the ‘Struttura Speciale di Supporto Sistema Informativo Regione Abruzzo’ (; ) and the ‘Istituto Geografico Militare Italiano’ IGMI (authorization No. 6826 of ) for providing the topographic data, aerial photos and orthophotos used for the geomorphological investigations and for the geomorphological map.
Elevation maps are derived from Regione Abruzzo DEM (40 m pixel resolution, ), as well as from ASTER GDEM (30 m pixel resolution, ). Specific geomorphological topic for each group. Main morphometric indices calculated.
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Elaboration by F. 5Along the Italian peninsula some other important coastal plains face the Tyrrhenian Sea between Tuscany and Campania regions: the Versilia, Arno, Maremma, Agro Romano, Agro Pontino, Fondi, Garigliano, Volturno, Sarno and Sele plains (fig. 2). Besides these zones, which in some cases are quite large but have a maximum area of ca. 1000 km 2, there are some smaller ones which normally consist of narrow stretches of coastal plain, as for example the one facing the Gulf of Policoro in Basilicata, fed by Basento River (fig. 2). With regards to the main islands, the Plain of Catania can be cited for Sicily and in Sardinia the area of Arborea and Oristano, in the northernmost sector of the Campidano Graben. Moreover, considering the alluvial environments in Italy, the main Alpine and Apennine valleys have to be mentioned, where fluvial and/or fluvioglacial processes sometimes played an important role in their evolution ( e.g., Nesci et al., this issue).
Specially in the Apennines, where the staircase of terraces existing is some of the valleys and intramontane basins allows to extend the alluvial record up to Pliocene and to analyse the relationships existing among landforms, climate and tectonics. List of illustrations Title Fig. 1 – Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Italy derived by the SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) with location of the main alluvial plains Caption Elaboration by F.
Cartina Geografica Italia Politico Pdf Merge Free
URL File image/jpeg, 1.8M Title Fig. 2 – DEM derived by the SRTM data of the Po Plain Credits Elaboration by F.
Cartina Geografica Italia Politico Pdf Merge De
URL File image/jpeg, 1.9M Title Fig. 3 – DEM derived by the LIDAR topographic survey of the area near the stadium of Padua Caption The incised trace of a meandering channel, abandoned by the Brenta River about 6500 years ago, is clearly evidenced; elevation of the natural topographic surface ranges between 9 to 15 m asl. Credits Modified from Ninfo et al., 2011. URL File image/jpeg, 802k.