Tama Drums Serial Numbers

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  1. Tama Drums For Sale
  2. Tama Drum Parts
  3. Tama Swingstar Serial Numbers
Tama Drums Serial Numbers

TAMA is a drum company. The drums are manufactured in Japan by Hoshino-Gakki group and are sold around the world. Many different series of drums have been made by TAMA. Including: Along with making trap sets, Hoshino TAMA also makes marching percussion. They make normal configurations for all. Black/White 'Rounded' Drum Badges - 80's 'Ludwig USA' models with serial numbers. Very good condition. DHD007671: $20.00 each: Ludwig: Blue/Olive 'Pointy' Drum Badges - 70's models with serial numbers. Good condition. DHD007669: $30.00 each: Ludwig: Blue/Olive 'Rounded' Drum Badges - Late 70's/80's models with serial numbers. Very good condition.

Tama Drums For Sale

Can I Identify my Drum Set by Serial Number? I bought a tama superstar kit and wanted to know the exact one i purchased.(bought it used) is there a way i can run the serial #'s to get that info. No luck getting a hold of the Tama co. ANSWER Unfortunately, Tama does not publish a serial number identification guide.

Tama Drum Parts

I did find a site which features the Tama catalogs and includes specs for each Superstar set. Please see: Scroll down to the second catalog and click on the first panel, then click to enlarge the specs.

Tama Swingstar Serial Numbers

Hope this will help. Have you seen our?