How To Install Respondus Lockdown Browser

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To install Respondus Lockdown Browser on your system: Download UALR’s installer for Respondus Lockdown Browser. Then you’ll need to select the operating system on which Respondus Lockdown Browser will be installed. Then select the option that best fits your situation. Click the “Install Now” button and install the browser. Depending on the browser you use to download, the file may go to the bottom left of the window or to an arrow at the top right. Locate and click on the file. Respondus LockDown Browser Help. When students use Respondus LockDown Browser they are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, or access other applications. When an assessment is started, students are locked into it until they submit it for grading. (Supports Windows and Mac OS X 10.5+.).

Installation of Browser for Windows Follow these steps to install Respondus LockDown Browser for Windows:. Save the file to your desktop or My Documents. Double-click the installation program called 'LockDownSFX.exe' where you saved it, and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation. Start Respondus LockDown Browser by clicking the shortcut on the desktop. To take an exam or quiz, refer to the steps in. Once you are in the LockDown Browser window and have logged into SacCT, PRIOR to launching the quiz or exam, use the ' Help Center' button that appears at the top center of browser, to run a system check prior to taking the exam.

Please see the information page for detailed steps. Installation of Browser for Macintosh Issue with LockDown Browser, Firefox for Mac If you are a Mac user and your versions of Respondus LockDown Browser and Firefox are crashing, the cause may be a recent update to Java 6 (update 29) for Mac OS X. At this time, you cannot use the LockDown Browser on a Mac computer that has Java 6 (update 29) – you will need to use another computer or update your version of Java. For Firefox users, please use another browser, such as Safari. We also recommend not installing Java 6 (update 29), if prompted as part of the Apple software update. Follow these steps to install the Macintosh version of Respondus LockDown Browser:. Click the Install button to begin the installation, and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the installation.

Download Free Respondus Lockdown Browser

Start Respondus LockDown Browser by clicking 'Applications' and selecting 'LockDown Browser'. To take an exam or quiz, refer to the steps in. Once you are in the LockDown Browser window and have logged into SacCT, PRIOR to launching the quiz or exam, use the ' Help Center' button that appears at the top center of browser, to run a system check prior to taking the exam. Please see the information page for detailed steps. Last updated: October 18, 2016.

How To Install Respondus Lockdown Browser

For fully online assessments that require proctoring, consider using. LockDown Browser displays assessments in full-screen windows; students cannot exit or minimize their assessment windows, switch tasks, or access other applications until they submit their assessments for grading. Additionally, LockDown Browser blocks or disables:.

How To Install Respondus Lockdown Browser

Print, Print Screen, and capturing functions. Copying and pasting content to and from assessments. Messaging, screen-sharing, virtual machine, and network monitoring applications.

Right-click menu options and function keys. Browser menus and toolbar options (except for Back, Forward, Refresh, and Stop). Instructors: Setting up LockDown Browser for use with a quiz in Canvas. Create a quiz in Canvas. For more about quizzes in Canvas, see the documentation in the. In the course navigation on the left, click LockDown Browser.

(If you don't see LockDown Browser, it may be hidden; to display it, use the instructions in the Canvas Guide.). Next to the quiz title, click the menu icon ( ), and then select Modify Settings. Select Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam (and other options, as needed), and then click Save and Close.